The art of saying NO

It’s easier to say ‘yes’, than giving one hundred explanations of ‘no’.  Although, it is said that if you do good, good will come to you, many of us are being manipulated by others but don’t realize it. Maybe, it does feel good to be the one that people turns in for help or theContinue reading “The art of saying NO”

Can we use Fear in our favor?

We all fear something, no matter what.  Some are experts in hiding it deep down in order to appear stronger, while others try to use it in their favor to obtain what they want. Life is challenging, but we shouldn’t back off and cry in a corner.  We must know how to prepare all thoseContinue reading “Can we use Fear in our favor?”

11 Things I learned during the Pandemic

COVID-19, a virus that for different generations has different ‘surprises’, it made me today reflect on the positive things that I’ve learned while dealing with it.  Beginning with the urge to travel, every time that some money would end up in my pocket, till having fun all by myself without spending money.  So, I’m writingContinue reading “11 Things I learned during the Pandemic”

6 Tips on how to be an AWFUL cooking Chef

Every once in a while I try cooking something special.  Not because I am a cooking fan. To be honest I’m a disaster, but I do cook to test my abilities on how bad can I be.  Sometimes, I open with a great enthusiast my great-grandma cooking booklet and look for the Level 1 recipe,Continue reading “6 Tips on how to be an AWFUL cooking Chef”

Are we nowadays craving more Chocolate or Likes?

In a world full of digitalization, we come across often between two roads: Likes vs Fun.  We tend to need validation from others more, than from our self.  Some of us even take the posting feature to a completely new level.  Risky or cool photos with hundreds and thousands of likes is the new trendContinue reading “Are we nowadays craving more Chocolate or Likes?”

From quarantine with Love…

Day 1 This morning I woke up happily that I finally could do what I always wanted to do.  Maybe sleep a lit bit more without snoozing the alarm or going out with friends.  But suddenly I remembered that everything was shut down.  That only hospitals, pharmacies and supermarkets were still opened.  The news startedContinue reading “From quarantine with Love…”

Is Gen Alpha going to be more intelligent?

Computers, Smartphones or Tablets are known for us, the Gen Z, a way to help in our daily life.  We grew up with the internet, social media and less likely to go out to see a movie or spent time with our friends face-to-face.  We had information to our tips of our thumbs and weContinue reading “Is Gen Alpha going to be more intelligent?”

Does Love changes us to be a better person?

We all have been enamored at least ones in our lifetime.  Maybe when we were a child or a young adult.  We had feeling for somebody and we couldn’t express them, because of being shy or fearing others opinion.  But as we grew up, we understood that others opinion doesn’t matter that much anymore, thatContinue reading “Does Love changes us to be a better person?”

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